Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week 7

Week 7 with discussion topics: Learner autonomy and One computer classroom is almost over.We've read very interesting concepts about learner autonomy, all what the authors have observed for years. In other peoples'( especially scholars')articles you can always come across with something new which makes you think over. But I would like to say that I never thought there was a great difference between autonomous and independent learners. I wonder what my colleagues would say.
As for one computer classroom, there were so many suggested activities on teaching grammar, vocabulary, teaching videos, reading, that what we need is just develop those ideas with the help of a computer and other technologies.I don't think it will be easy to use one computer for big classes.For small classes lots of activities can be performed. Lesson planning was good verification.
A partner seeking page was like an advertisement page. We were like atoms -moving and joining. I have a partner-Petra has similar plans for her project. Time to start.


  1. Marine,
    I don't know if our students should be autonomous or independent but they certainly have to be responsible. And we have to be responsible as well.
    The truth is that after reading all this interesting articles on one computer classroom and reading about all the techniques our colleagues have been suggesting, I've changed prespective and I'll start using it and make the most of what I already have.
    After all, that's why we're all taking this course aren't we?
    See you on line

  2. Hi Angela.

    I think getting a multimedia projector can really enhance all the aplications using a single computer has. It can put teachers in touch with many students simultaneously. You can also add liveliness with speakers. I opens many more possibilities.

  3. Hi Marine,

    I'm looking forward to being your partner. Time to start, yes! The implementation has started, I've just checked a ppt a pair sent me and show to the group tomorrow.

    I agree with you about the use of one computer in big and small classes, though I have no experience about large classes. In small ones one computer is a great benefit and offers so many opportunities.

    see you soon with each other's projects!

  4. Hi Marine
    I like your comment: "A partner seeking page was like an advertisement page. We were like atoms -moving and joining." It is a nice quote that illustrates that task.
